Shifting Timelines May Be the Only Way Through
Shifting Timelines and Holding the Frequency by doing your Spiritual Work has never been as important for the planet as it is now.
5 min read

Temple Healings: The Geometric State of Things
Resonance is an innate nature of all things. It holds shape together to create everything that we see in this seemingly static world. How...
5 min read

The Hall of Assumptions
he past shines through our eyes, our thoughts, our words, our lives, and our creations every moment of every day as we move forward in th...
4 min read

The Alchemical Trails
Alchemy, the process of changing form, has been relevant since the beginning of time and is a force that will persist long after humans are
5 min read

Is Your Solar Plexus Center Healthy?
Is Your Solar Plexus Healthy? Articles of Chakra Health, by Jamelle Zablow-Moloney, Bare Roots Energy. www.barerootsenergy.com
4 min read

Energetic Hygiene and Creation on the Grid
In our search as human beings for the Higgs Boson, the God Particle, we have come to understand this grid-like structure of our existence.
3 min read

Attending to Focus; Keeping Humanity Sovereign
What would happen if you shifted your focus to peace, regardless of how unimaginable an accomplishment it may seem? This simple shift can ch
3 min read

Small Business of the Day Feature: Bare Roots Energy
Small Business of the Day Feature with Bare Roots Energy
1 min read

Meditation in Perspective: Seeking the Quiet Mind
Meditation becomes most effective for us when used consistently, working efficiently and quickly to change our lives regardless of...
4 min read

Check Out My Latest Interview
With MysticMag Unveiling the Power of Energy Healing With Jamelle Zablow-Moloney Thank you to Petar Vojinovic for such a lovely interview!
1 min read

Mars, Post Battle Abundance: The Planetary Aids Series
Discovered to the human race in 1610 by Galilei, Mars, first in his name, the Roman God of War and Agriculture, brings abundance from his
4 min read

Plant-Based Medicine for Cold Season
Plants have an amazing ability to heal us with a gentle ease and minimal to zero side effects. I always recommend drinking a variety of...
3 min read

Quantum Healing
12.4.2023 With Bare Roots Energy Today's common knowledge is that the planet is shifting, and with it, humanity. Go tell it on the...
4 min read

Jupiter, Governor and Goddess of Abundance & Expansion: The Planetary Aids Series
Jupiter was discovered by Galileo in 1610. It is 4.5 billion years old and knows more about God's secrets than any of us ever will.
4 min read

Saturn, Ruler of Time and Structure: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series
Saturn is the lord of time and structure, guiding our senses to plan, organize, and work through our tasks in logical order and timing.
4 min read

Finding Your Right Healing Path
Healing solutions that are right and perfect for you are dependent on your inner environment. Take survey of what's going on in your head...
4 min read

Neptune: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series
Join me for a year of planetary study with The Planetary Aids, Planets Series! This blog will be dedicated to getting to know each of our in
4 min read

Uranus: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series
Pluto: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 5.23.2023.8 Join me for a year of planetary study with my new blog...
5 min read

Pluto: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series
At every position in the sky, there are influential energies flowing in from each planet. This article will explore the influences felt by e
3 min read

An Awakening Planet: Raising Your Own Vibration to Heal the Vibration of the Planet
The planet needs us more than ever now. Our cultures around the world suffer tremendously from violence, exposure to damaging media, and...
4 min read

The Rub on Herbal Supplement Regulation
by Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 24 March, 2023 The United States has a wobbly history with herbal supplements. There is a large air of distrust...
3 min read

Finding the Right Herbal Supplements
by Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 24 March, 2023 Herbal Supplements are a great way to reap the benefits that this beautiful planet has given us....
4 min read

Living Your Life Through Intention
Living intentionally sounds like one of those phenomena that just naturally occurs for us; something as simple and automatic as breathing...
7 min read

Finding Love through Finding Balance
Keeping a balanced inner self can clear up issues that may be standing in the way of gaining and/or keeping lasting relationships of value.
5 min read

The Nature of the Energetic Cord
Energy blog, energy cords, cord clearing, cord healing, cord cutting ceremony, energy healing, reiki healing, reiki master, reiki classes
7 min read

The Cycle of Success, Struggle, Stagnation, and Settling
By Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 11/20/22 Most people just want things to get better. Tired of the struggle and the flood of problems being...
4 min read

The Art of Eclipsing the Old Self and Transcending into Something New
Transcending, for many, seems to be an impossible feat without consistent and constant dedication to a complete lifestyle change. However, t
3 min read

The Importance of Ceremony
Bare Roots Energy provides a variety of services to guide you through the restoration of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual...
3 min read

The Timings of the Female Moon Body
The female cycle changes a woman's entire being throughout its duration, influencing and reshaping her Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Phy
5 min read

The Implications of The Female and Male Biological Cycles
Some equate the woman's body to a changing chameleon all month long, and they aren't incorrect. A woman goes through four phases of her mens
4 min read

Moving in Timing with the Seasons
By lining up your actions with the timings of the planet, you will then be open to an easier path of manifestation by working with the f...
2 min read

Your Relationship With Spirit
Your Relationship With Spirit
When was the last time you reflected on your relationship with Spirit?
4 min read

The Crown
Jamelle Zablow-Moloney The Crown Chakra sits atop of the head receiving all of the life force from the greater Universe that you need in...
2 min read

The Importance of a Healthy Third Eye
Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 19 January, 2022 My father's favorite word was that. He said that since it was one of the most commonly spoken...
4 min read

Health of the Throat Chakra Center
Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 19 January, 2022 The front of the Throat Chakra protrudes from the middle of the front of the neck, and the back...
3 min read

The Key to Your Heart Chakra Health
Jamelle Z.Moloney 29 December, 2021 Your heart chakra consists of a front and a back, both ideally with a motion of clockwise spinning...
2 min read

Is Your Sacral Chakra Opened or Closed?
Welcome to week 2 of your Chakra health!
There is a front and a back vortex to your Sacral Chakra center. The front protrudes out from wher
2 min read

Is Your Root Chakra Open or Closed?
Is your Root Chakra open or blocked?
Quick article about Root Chakra health.
2 min read

The Divine Feminine
J Zablow-Moloney July 12, 2021 I use to think that I, as a woman, was more connected to my feminine traits than my masculine. This was of...
2 min read

The Divine Masculine
We all have aspects of both the divine feminine and divine masculine within us, whether it be suppressed or in the forefront of your persona
3 min read

Happy Birthday Dad!
Dad's Eulogy, July 13, 2013 Dad, In all of your wisdom, I have grown. I have written, painted, wandered, weaved, and created with you to...
3 min read

The Moral Role
How much responsibility do the public and private school systems have in raising our youth in good morality? As a teacher I asked this...
5 min read

Meditation Tips & Tricks #5 The Quick How-To
Everyone has their own way of doing everything. You are always looking through your own lens. My hope is that the following information...
4 min read
This is my personal Ho'Oponopono prayer. I wrote this to help me move past events in my life that I struggle to let go of and forget. My...
1 min read
Building the Circuit
Active Meditation 1/10/2021 What do you want to affirm today? Think of the purpose for which you are hare, in this moment, and then think...
2 min read
Why is Reiki an Ongoing Therapy?
Some are surprised or disappointed with treatments that cannot heal them in one session. Without an understanding of Reiki, it is easy to...
3 min read

Meditation Tips & Tricks #4
Don't know what to meditate about? Sometimes it's helpful to direct the mind during meditation, in order to settle it down and release...
1 min read
Pulling in Divine Energy (sample)
Written by Jim A. Zablow & Jamelle Zablow-Moloney Universal Spirit, Ignite your energy in everyone. Cultivate and stabilize your energy...
1 min read