This is my personal Ho'Oponopono prayer. I wrote this to help me move past events in my life that I struggle to let go of and forget. My hope is that this will help others as it has helped me. For more information on the original Ho'Oponopono prayer, visit:
I am sorry.
Please forgive me,
I forgive you,
I love you.
I am sorry to my higher self.
I forgive all of me.
I love all of me.
I am sorry for repeating the thoughts that lead us nowhere.
I am sorry for giving our life force away to nothingness.
I forgive you for wasting our creative energy.
I forgive myself.
I forgive you for the creation of negative energy.
I forgive myself.
I no longer waste our creative energy.
I no longer give our life force away to nothingness.
I forgive myself.
I forgive myself.
I repeat only thoughts of joy.
I repeat only thoughts of gratitude.
I repeat only thoughts of empathy.
I use our creative energy to spread love.
I forgive me.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And so it is.