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Is Your Solar Plexus Center Healthy?

Updated: Nov 12

By Jamelle Zablow-Moloney

Our Solar Plexus Center is one of the busiest energy centers in the body. This center impacts and is impacted by our health and digestion; it serves as a control center for our will, decision-making, and self-worth, and it connects us to those with whom we have strong and lasting relationships. Most importantly, the health of the Solar Plexus Center directly influences and is influenced by our thoughts. The Solar Plexus front protrudes from a core point at the spine, below the rib cage, and then outward from the abdomen area. Through our Solar Plexus center, our thoughts directly impact our physical health.

When the front of your Solar Plexus is clean and operating optimally, we are aware of our place in the world and optimize the experience by using our personal talents to express out into the world through the jobs we do and the relationships we have. Through a rooted connection with this center, we can see how our place, among others, is impactful. With this knowledge on board, we can then look in reverence at the impact others (incoming energy) have on us personally, beginning to see the whole picture and understand the value of balanced systems. With a healthy front center, the Solar Plexus Chakra shines into us a foundation of confidence, adaptability, and clarity as we make our assessments of the world. In this state, we feel emotionally balanced and create trusting and lasting relationships with others.

When the front of the Solar Plexus Chakra is clouded with a build-up of energy, we can begin to suffer from low self-esteem, spaciness, emotional highs and lows, low confidence, an inability to decide, and over-sensitivity to stimuli. This is an easy center for caregivers to exhaust when they do not take the time to replenish themselves regularly. With a build of energy in the Solar Plexus area, we can also begin to feel the tension build over time. This is not a sign that something is wrong but a clue into what needs to be released. All of our chakras become clouded with energetic build-up from time to time. It is not an ailment but a consequence of the type of world we live in.

It is becoming so important for us to monitor our thoughts in order to feel better, live better, and be better. Our thoughts drive everything we experience on a daily basis, creating for us in real-time and keeping our Solar Plexus Center incredibly busy in the act.

The back of the Solar Plexus is directly across from its front, protruding out the back of the rib cage. A healthy Solar Plexus back has the same positive symptoms as its front side yet expresses these traits through a more personal and physical manner rather than an emotional one. This is the center responsible for synthesizing the thought processes we store in our field into physical manifestation, making it a very important center for our mechanisms of creation. As the back of the Solar Plexus thrives, we are able to divert our negative thinking patterns into action of change and redirect the wording to create thoughts of beauty, hope, and optimism.

This is the center that causes back pain when you worry too much. When healthy, we respect our bodies, understand physical boundaries, value our health, and care well for ourselves. When unhealthy, body image can be a sore spot, negative self-talk can take center stage, and we may put too much or too little value on physical traits in ourselves or others. An unhealthy back could also lead to storing excess fat and fatigue as our minds run away with inner words and images made up of frequencies that drain our energy, rather than feeding and replenishing it.

How to work with the Solar Plexus Chakra

Core exercises and working with the color yellow during your visualization or meditation is a great ways to feed this chakra. Feed this chakra yellow light from the back, and watch a yellow light expand out from the front. Meditating with a sun in your abdomen or meditating outside with the sun are both quick ways to feed this chakra and feel instant relief.

For long-term relief, chase your shadows back to your first impressions of your mental health as it was impacted by your body. Reflect on your self-worth and take action to make it whole.

Assess your current value on health and your current self-care practices, get enough rest, and clean your energy centers daily.

Relax! Several times a day, take a deep breath and let out a deep sigh while you release and relax your back. Let your worries go for a moment, and reflect on the positive aspects of your self-worth before going back to your task. If you struggle feeding yourself positive feedback, envision someone who has given you positive feedback in the past, and see them providing it to you in your now moment.

Look out for the Heart Chakra indicators in the next email that will come in the next 2-4 weeks. Always feel free to give me a ring or an email if you'd like to know more about your energy bodies!

Notable Citations:

Brennan, Barbara Ann. Hands of Light. Bantam Books, 1988.

White, Ruth. Working With Your Chakras. Barnes & Noble, 1993.

Pranic Healers Outside of India. The Ancient Art & Science of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga; World Pranic Healing Foundation, Official Website for outside of India.


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