by Jamelle Zablow-Moloney
The past shines through our eyes, our thoughts, our words, our lives, and our creations every moment of every day as we move forward in the same way, over and over again, informed by all we already experienced. What if we stopped looking back and started looking forward in every moment (within reason)? Then, we would perpetuate our constant opportunity to create what we are looking forward to receiving- our dreams, our goals, our plans, and the assumptions that cause us to thrive rather than living off of stagnant assumptions and repeating stagnant behavior.
The past lives on in our memory, as well as within each of our cells, constantly available to inform us of what we have already experienced and learned. This is a miraculous and imperative mechanism of the mind and energy body that alerts us when things are off and helps to keep us from making the same mistakes twice. The past transforms within us, becoming our learned behavior, becoming integrally woven into our systems of functioning, and becoming our Hall of Assumptions, where all of our knowledge about what to expect is stored.
Assumptions are a product of our past, and, therefore, are also stored in our every cell, both in functional ways and malfunctioning ways.
Each morning, when we wake up to our daily routine with bits and pieces of it, if not all of it, operating on autopilot, we make use of the assumptions we have programmed ourselves to accept. Most of this is an automatic mechanism of our third-dimensional experience, allowing us to assume that in the morning, our toothbrush will be where we left it the night before, for example. Because of the nature of our shared reality, we can count on these constants of physics in our lives. And thankfully so, because without them, we would have to go on a quest each morning just to brush our teeth!
Without the constants of our shared creation and reality, there would be no structure to our human experience, and nothing would be predictable, leaving us with a world that we could not effectively change for long-term benefit. If you can imagine it, it would look like a world without safety nets for the sick, without a community for connection, and without the ability to grow food, hunt in the daylight, or gather clean water. Let's all be thankful for our ability to create this reality together for a moment, as our collective understanding of the planet is what keeps in place the structures that we use daily!
The nature of our co-existence and the way that it is created is why we look outside and see green grass and blue skies. All of these constants are the working assumptions we were taught and collectively accept and live with. We need them if we want to keep experiencing life together and life on this planet.
Just everything in the universe, there's another side to this coin. Malfunctioning assumptions are those that hold us back and keep us repeating patterns in our lives that perpetuate suffering. They are the beliefs we were taught as a child, and those that we taught ourselves while rationalizing our experiences. We can see this in our own individual lives, as well as culturally and worldwide as a species. Wars have been started over misinformed assumptions...truly assumptions live on a spectrum just like everything else, some are good, some are not. But...assumptions can change, because we change, and grow, and just like the rest of life, we learn how fluid they really are as our lives change with them.
The way we look at our assumptions can help to determine the success our our healing path.
It is important for us to know about the assumptions we operate under because all of our assumptions inform our conscious thoughts, decisions, and actions. They lead us to wear specific clothing, speak in a particular way, take a certain route to work, or avoid a specific hallway. Our assumptions, even more importantly, teach us. The reality they create becomes so habitual in our minds that they are then second nature, and sooner than later, we are using a tone of voice towards someone because we have assumed of their disapproval before the conversation even began.
Misinformed, maligned, and dysfunctional assumptions are one of the biggest culprits of communication breakdown that we can absolutely tackle when we look at our thinking patterns, and engage in metacognition. (You know I'm going to tell you to read The Meditation Manual!) When we are aware in the present moment of the origin thoughts, the biases and the opinions we cary from the past, we can modulate how we respond by taking responsibility for our own perceptions, opening up communication to allow others to express theirs freely. Know yourself. Know your mind. Know what's stored in your Hall of Assumptions.
The past is a funny thing that likes to teach us about what does and what does not work. It moves through us in the assumptions and belief systems we keep. However, our communication with the past doesn't end there, because through these assumptions and belief systems come our thoughts- our catalysts for creation, and our actions- creation itself. I know you're probably tired of reading me write this, but yes, your assumptions and thoughts produce your world and your experiences. As you live in autopilot running off of the assumptions from your past, you project to your future what is in your mind and in your field- your past! As you live in the present moment, knowing yourself, and running off of the awareness of your thoughts, you can then choose what to think. When you can choose what you're thinking about, you're choosing what to create!
My questions are:
Do you take regular inventory of your assumption toolbox?
Are you aware of the assumptions you function with on a daily basis in a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual way?
Do you carry assumptions you no longer need?
Do you have assumptions that keep you from having fresh and unprojected communication?
Do you have a way to transform your assumptions into something useful? Come and take a Shamanic Journey with me to your Hall of Assumptions so that we can begin to clear out what's holding you back.
Thanks for reading,
Happy Healing, Jamelle from BRE