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Services (50)
- Reiki Healing Treatment
Experience the healing power of Reiki with Bare Roots Energy’s Traditional Usui Reiki Treatment. This session is designed to relieve stress, heal the energetic and physical bodies, and release blockages. Our skilled practitioners focus on balancing and healing the Chakra system and Aura, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and balanced. Appointments are available both online and in person in Lawrence, Ks. Book your Reiki Healing Treatment today and start your journey towards a healthier, more balanced life. Replenish the body from head to toe with the calming and clarifying energies of Reiki. This treatment focuses on the balancing of the four energy bodies, providing you with a feeling of stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki treatments are a great option for physical healing, emotional healing, overcoming trauma, stress management, and diving into spiritual growth. Reiki healings are always personalized and can be conducted in person or over distances. During any Reiki session, clients have the option to sit in a chair or lie on the Reiki table to receive their treatment. Pillows for under the neck and knees are available, as are light blankets. One may feel sensations of heat, chills, goosebumps, energy movement, or skin pricks as the energy flows through and around the body. Everyone's Reiki experience is different, and many people report having a different experience each time they receive treatment. After receiving a Reiki treatment, stay hydrated, enjoy your clarity, and listen to your body to give it what it needs. Learn more about how Reiki can benefit you and your family in the FAQ section of the Blog.
- Source Light Training 101
In-Person Course Scheduled Individually
- Reiki I Course and Attuenement
Being attuned to Reiki I enables one to use the power and energy of Reiki to self-heal. Along with other positive daily habits, using Reiki on yourself to clear old wounds, emotional and physical, can help your healing process go further. The Reiki I attunement comes as an educational course that teaches you about the history of Reiki and how Reiki works. The course takes place online or in person, and meets for a few hours over a 2 day period. Scheduling is flexible! You can join a class online, participate in person, or complete the course on your own with personal zoom meetings between you, and me, your instructor. The Reiki I course is $325 with a course manual included. Energy Anatomy The History of Reiki The Basics of Reiki Self Reiki Healing Protocol The First Reiki Symbol Reiki Lineage Reiki Healing Hand Positions A Chakra Cleansing Meditation Meditation Education Become attuned to the Reiki energies and the first Reiki symbol Earn a Certification for Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 1 Learning the Reiki Healing Practice at level 1 allows you the instantaneous ability to begin the healing process for yourself. With this course you will be able to treat yourself for both physical, emotional, and spiritual ailment. If you are interested in starting your journey in the Reiki Healing Arts, please contact me for information on class dates and times. This course is available in person in Lawrence, Ks, as well as online.
Events (264)
- Children's Qigong CoursesTickets: $30.75 - $307.50March 10, 2025 | 10:30 PM930 Iowa St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA
- Bi-Weekly Free Online Reiki ClinicTickets: $10.25March 14, 2025 | 1:30 AM
- Power of 8 Healing Mefitation GroupTickets: $10.25March 18, 2025 | 12:00 AM
Blog Posts (66)
- Temple Healings: The Geometric State of Things
How the fabric of the Universe folds around you to make you whole. Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 19, February 2025 Resonance is an innate nature of all things. It holds shape together to create everything that we see in this seemingly static world. However, as our predecessors of antiquity knew, the nature of resonance is changeable, and because of this trait, all things around us are too. I had the honor of studying with Dr. Robert Gilbert in 2023 and 2024 in his Biogeometry courses. I was lucky to get the information in such a thorough way straight from the 'horse's mouth,' as he had studied directly under Dr. Ibraham Karim, the researcher, writer, and founder of the system of what he coined as Biogeometry. As an energetic healer, I consider myself blessed to spend my learning and professional development time researching and hunting down the scientific research that explains how the energetic healing I facilitate each day works. Biogeometry has proven to be a massive contribution to this effort, providing the scientific explanations behind the way our energies move. From my courses with Dr. Gilbert, I was able to put the pieces of the physics and alchemy puzzle together to understand on a macroscopic level how energetic health and healing are achieved through the qualitative nature of geometry and movement. Armed with this knowledge, I was so excited to see the science-backed validation for the healing world come together and even more excited to learn that this information had been used and recorded by those of Ancient Egypt and handed down to us through their transcriptions on the temple walls. According to this body of research, those who walked the Earth thousands of years before the times of Christ were using the naturally occurring geometric traits of their environment to mitigate harmful radiation and heal themselves and the land around them. Through their mastery of mathematics and medicine, the temple walls give us a glimpse of their abilities to: complete distance healings for each other balance the effects of radiation inside buildings and in outdoor locations direct energy towards, away from, and around objects, individuals, and spaces transmute radiation (energy) into non-harmful rays use the energy of the sun to create and change the energetic effects of its radiation on objects, individuals, environments, and within the buildings and rooms to understand harmful and non-harmful locations on the planet the knowledge to identify helpful and harmful substances like such as water sources to determine parts of the body that hold illness to transmute cells within the body for healing Humans who lived as long ago as 5,000 BC were using techniques such as hands-on healing, distance healing, radiesthesia, and mental dowsing to determine and accomplish the healing and balancing needs within their environment on a routine basis. By knowing how to communicate with the energy that circulates the planet, they learned the patterns of the moving herds and the best direction to build their structures for the highest health benefit. They learned how to use the sun's radiation to enhance the atmosphere within the temple walls, how to avoid poisonous plants and contaminated water, and how to organize their city planning in a way that would help their civilizations to thrive and grow. This knowledge is still relevant today, and it is one of the most influential pieces of research I have come across to impact my work as a healing facilitator. Through Karim's research and Gilbert's expression of this knowledge, the world now has access to the knowledge and tools to heal and balance everything and anything, sentient or not. What are Temple Healings The Temple Healing treatment is a complete re-centering of the body. This type of treatment is quickly becoming the go-to in my daily distance treatments because it has the potential to rebalance all areas of the body as well as all of the planes of existence. This treatment's effectiveness lies in its systematic use of the information about the planes of existence and the grid of life structure, uncovered and recorded from the Egyptian temple walls. It is an ancient technology that Pharaohs and Kings used to restore youth and health and to prolong life. Temple healings provide the entire body with a formidable rebalancing of each subtle body, including the physical. Through the application of techniques that enhance the natural qualities of the geometric building blocks of life, Temple (and Quantum) Healings bring your cells back to the awareness of their wholeness. While incorporating all of the energetic components of the body in a more specified way, Temple Healings refresh each of your cells back into their original balanced resonance and express that resonant frequency out into the body, leaving you in a more healed and whole state. The Temple Healing is a balancing treatment that allows the body, mind, heart, and soul to re-establish their baselines and heal during a time of respite and restructuring. This treatment is more potent than a chakra balance and alignment, as it incorporates more of the energy body. It is an ideal healing for: long-standing illnesses, deep-rooted energetic imbalances that have caused physical ailment, those who are seeking to move forward in their Soul work but cannot seem to hurdle a major point in their journey, mental illness those who want to rid the body or space of unwanted 'attachments' those needing to rejuvenate the body while it is healing from major incidents such as surgery, an accident, or treatments like Chemotherapy, and for those who are at a crossroads in their life and seeking a reset button. Temple Healings can be done in person or online, with consultation taking place before treatment and in the days following. In-person treatments last one hour, and distance treatments last anywhere between 12 and 24 hours. Treatment is carried out according to your own time, preferences, and needs, which are discussed during consultation. During each day of healing, it is recommended to engage in more calming and restful activities to give the body time, space, and energy to adjust as the balancing effects take place. Although this treatment works through the subtle bodies, its impact is felt through a more synchronistic experience on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Welcome to MULTIDIMENSIONAL HEALING ! When things get really rough, this could be your Golden Snitch! Once balanced, the body's cellular response begins to work in your favor by promoting your health rather than simply maintaining it from day to day. This effect is achieved by resetting the cellular action within the body to create the atmosphere of homeostasis. Once our cells are reminded of their original function, through this treatment, they can then give the body a complete rejuvenation, one session at a time. This treatment has moved long-standing blocks, cleared up cavities, and restored immune systems during the flu, just to cite a few examples, and is a great treatment to engage in on a monthly basis to stay in your prime! Need a reset button? Let's visit and see if this treatment is right for you!
- The Hall of Assumptions
by Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 12/54/2024 The past shines through our eyes, our thoughts, our words, our lives, and our creations every moment of every day as we move forward in the same way, over and over again, informed by all we already experienced. What if we stopped looking back and started looking forward in every moment (within reason)? Then, we would perpetuate our constant opportunity to create what we are looking forward to receiving- our dreams, our goals, our plans, and the assumptions that cause us to thrive rather than living off of stagnant assumptions and repeating stagnant behavior. The past lives on in our memory, as well as within each of our cells, constantly available to inform us of what we have already experienced and learned. This is a miraculous and imperative mechanism of the mind and energy body that alerts us when things are off and helps to keep us from making the same mistakes twice. The past transforms within us, becoming our learned behavior , becoming integrally woven into our systems of functioning, and becoming our Hall of Assumptions, where all of our knowledge about what to expect is stored. Assumptions are a product of our past, and, therefore, are also stored in our every cell, both in functional ways and malfunctioning ways. Each morning, when we wake up to our daily routine with bits and pieces of it, if not all of it, operating on autopilot, we make use of the assumptions we have programmed ourselves to accept. Most of this is an automatic mechanism of our third-dimensional experience, allowing us to assume that in the morning, our toothbrush will be where we left it the night before, for example. Because of the nature of our shared reality, we can count on these constants of physics in our lives. And thankfully so, because without them, we would have to go on a quest each morning just to brush our teeth! Hall of Assumptions | Bare Roots Energy Without the constants of our shared creation and reality, there would be no structure to our human experience, and nothing would be predictable, leaving us with a world that we could not effectively change for long-term benefit. If you can imagine it, it would look like a world without safety nets for the sick, without a community for connection, and without the ability to grow food, hunt in the daylight, or gather clean water. Let's all be thankful for our ability to create this reality together for a moment, as our collective understanding of the planet is what keeps in place the structures that we use daily! The nature of our co-existence and the way that it is created is why we look outside and see green grass and blue skies. All of these constants are the working assumptions we were taught and collectively accept and live with. We need them if we want to keep experiencing life together and life on this planet. Just everything in the universe, there's another side to this coin. Malfunctioning assumptions are those that hold us back and keep us repeating patterns in our lives that perpetuate suffering. They are the beliefs we were taught as a child, and those that we taught ourselves while rationalizing our experiences. We can see this in our own individual lives, as well as culturally and worldwide as a species. Wars have been started over misinformed assumptions...truly assumptions live on a spectrum just like everything else, some are good, some are not. But...assumptions can change, because we change, and grow, and just like the rest of life, we learn how fluid they really are as our lives change with them. The way we look at our assumptions can help to determine the success our our healing path. It is important for us to know about the assumptions we operate under because all of our assumptions inform our conscious thoughts, decisions, and actions. They lead us to wear specific clothing, speak in a particular way, take a certain route to work, or avoid a specific hallway. Our assumptions, even more importantly, teach us. The reality they create becomes so habitual in our minds that they are then second nature, and sooner than later, we are using a tone of voice towards someone because we have assumed of their disapproval before the conversation even began. Misinformed, maligned, and dysfunctional assumptions are one of the biggest culprits of communication breakdown that we can absolutely tackle when we look at our thinking patterns, and engage in metacognition. (You know I'm going to tell you to read The Meditation Manual!) When we are aware in the present moment of the origin thoughts, the biases and the opinions we cary from the past, we can modulate how we respond by taking responsibility for our own perceptions, opening up communication to allow others to express theirs freely. Know yourself. Know your mind. Know what's stored in your Hall of Assumptions. The past is a funny thing that likes to teach us about what does and what does not work. It moves through us in the assumptions and belief systems we keep. However, our communication with the past doesn't end there, because through these assumptions and belief systems come our thoughts- our catalysts for creation, and our actions- creation itself. I know you're probably tired of reading me write this, but yes, your assumptions and thoughts produce your world and your experiences. As you live in autopilot running off of the assumptions from your past, you project to your future what is in your mind and in your field- your past! As you live in the present moment, knowing yourself, and running off of the awareness of your thoughts, you can then choose what to think. When you can choose what you're thinking about, you're choosing what to create! My questions are: Do you take regular inventory of your assumption toolbox? Are you aware of the assumptions you function with on a daily basis in a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual way? Do you carry assumptions you no longer need? Do you have assumptions that keep you from having fresh and unprojected communication? Do you have a way to transform your assumptions into something useful? Come and take a Shamanic Journey with me to your Hall of Assumptions so that we can begin to clear out what's holding you back. Thanks for reading, Happy Healing, Jamelle from BRE
- The Alchemical Trails
The Steps of Ancient Alchemy Described Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 11/20/22 Is ancient alchemy still relevant? You bet your aching bones it is! Alchemy has gotten such a bad rap over the centuries due to witchcraft lore, however, if the term 'alchemy' were, in fact, isolated to the practices of witches, then we would ALL be witches! Alchemy, the process of changing form, is the force that perpetuates us forward through our internal, personal, and Earthy cycles. Alchemy did not originate in any terms in association with witchcraft but rather became a systematic way to describe the phenomena of healing and spiritual growth, eventually being associated with witchcraft due to the healer's practices. The term and practice of alchemy are not associated with a particular belief system, but as the root of Alchemy simply describes the movement of life, it lends itself to multiple religions and scientific practices as a framework of growth and realization. When analyzed in a systematic way and applied to the cycles we currently live through, one finds that the steps of alchemy can provide insight into a calmer outlook, as expectations shift and heal. Here, you will find a brief description of the Alchemical Trails we all walk through in life, as described in the following 12 steps, and giving you a tool to see how they line up with your own natural rhythms and cycles. There are several renditions of the alchemical process, and some do not align with each other perfectly. Here, we will refer to George Ripley's 12 Gates, as this is the most popular referral and lends itself easily to living interpretations and insights. Calcination : When the processing of daily life becomes hardened, the calcination stage will burn away your impurities so that you can form something new from the ashes. Calcination works through the Fire Door and the Struggle Phase, as all of the pieces of you that have survived, come tumbling out of the fire to show you their full truth. Dissolution : Dissolution clears out the Water Door of emotional processing as you reflect on the previous stage of calcination. You analyze how your new emptiness feels, take stock of what you have left over and what you have gained, and begin to plan ahead. Separation : After the calcination has burned away your impurities, and the dissolution has washed away their ashes, all of your pieces are then revealed, sparkling new for you to sift through and sort out. This is the stage of growth, working through your Air Door , where you begin to re-collect your favorite parts and begin your rebuilding. Conjunction : Conjunction brings your pieces back together into a new form as a physical being walking through the Earth Door , starting a new journey of creation. The conjunction is your rebuilding and completion stage when the new you walks a new path with a new perspective. Putrification : Putrification is the result of the conjunction, when the unneeded parts die and fall away, neutralizing back into pure energy. This is somewhat of a clean-up stage after the conjunction, where you continue to shed what you chose to save but ended up not needing. At this stage, your old perspectives and assumptions are falling along the wayside, left to burn and wash away again through the Fire and Water doors, as you forget them and move onto a Spiritual existence here on Earth. Cibation/Distillation : Cibation refers to receiving nourishment from Source, allowing that higher energy to shine through you in the best interest of all involved. Distillation is the extension of cibation, living that divinity in real-time through both the Air and the Earth Doors. Distillation is having one foot in both worlds; as you walk in your Earthly experience, you do so successfully holding a Spiritual perspective. In this place, you have mastered emotional control and are able to manifest, respond rather than react, and see the world in the light of grace. Crystallization : At this stage, you have fully claimed your divinity and work and play in the progress and process of your divine purpose. From here, you spiral inward through your Spirit Door in the center of your elemental doors and live your truth in full spectrum. You are fully aligned after crystallization and claim your clarity through your actions rather than living by the misaligned values life once placed upon you. Some place the process of crystallization in the Fire Door , referring to the pressurized heat that it takes to create such beautiful and pure stones. Sublimation : Sublimation, literally speaking, is the changing of the physical form to ether. It is the continuous cycle through the elemental doors in its entirety, and in the Alchemical process, refers to the mastery of your energy body. This is the stage of self-realization where you have a full understanding of your energetic layers and components, and how working to keep them healthy can rectify and heal your quality of life and death. Fermentation : -the art of extracting the energy from the substance to use it freely. Fermentation is the masterful use of your energy bodies in your daily life and using your own energy for healing as you experience events that inappropriately adjust your frequencies. Working through the Earth Door , fermentation guides you through the process of applying your higher principles to life. Exaltation : Exaltation is the culmination of the right conditions for your truth to fully shine. When in this place you are expressing your truth by fully living your potential and divine purpose. You are engaged in your Soul Purpose work and are aligned with how to operate in this way indefinitely, as you are fully grounded in your Spirit Door . Multiplication : Multiplication is the practice of continuous growth, as you humbly seek to learn more and become a more potent version of your Soul Self. By aligning and accessing your continuous cycles through all four elemental doors , you master manifestation and build yourself in expansion. Projection : Projection is the Philosopher's Stone, the ultimate goal reached, in that you have fully realized your etheric potential and have mastered its use in this Earthly plane. Projection occurs when all four doors are aligned and running on pure energy without any interference from the vibrations of the environment. Few men who have dedicated themselves to this study have achieved this feat, however, there are accounts of it as told recently by Baird T. Spalding in his works titled Ascent to the Highest Temple In The World, Life, and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East. I hope you found these references useful, and as always, Happy Healing, from Jamelle @ Bare Roots Energy !
Other Pages (57)
- Temple Healings | Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks|Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks
When things get really rough, this could be your Golden Snitch! This treatment has moved long-standing blocks, cleared up cavities, and restored immune systems during the flu, just to cite a few examples, and is a great treatment to engage in on a monthly basis to stay in your prime! Need a reset button? Let's visit see if this treatment is right for you! Contact Jamelle at Bare Roots Energy at or by scheduling below. Temple Healings The Cellular Reset Resonance is an innate nature of all things. It holds shape to create everything we see in this seemingly static world. However, as our predecessors of antiquity knew, the nature of resonance is changeable, and because of this trait, all things around us are too. I had the honor of studying with Dr. Robert Gilbert in 2023 and 2024 in his Biogeometry courses. I was lucky to get the information in such a thorough way straight from the 'horse's mouth,' as he had studied directly under Dr. Ibraham Karim, the researcher, writer, and founder of the system of what he coined as Biogeometry. As an energetic healer, I consider myself blessed to spend my learning and professional development time researching and hunting down the scientific research that explains how the energetic healing I facilitate each day works. Biogeometry has proven to be a massive contribution to this effort, providing the scientific explanations behind the way our energies move. From my courses with Dr. Gilbert, I was able to put the pieces of the physics and alchemy puzzle together to understand on a macroscopic level how energetic health and healing are achieved through the qualitative nature of geometry and movement. Armed with this knowledge, I was so excited to see the science-backed validation for the healing world come together and even more excited to learn that this information had been used and recorded by those of Ancient Egypt and handed down to us through their transcriptions on the temple walls. According to this body of research, those who walked the Earth thousands of years before the times of Christ were using the naturally occurring geometric traits of their environment to mitigate harmful radiation and heal themselves and the land around them. Through their mastery of mathematics and medicine, the temple walls give us a glimpse of their abilities to: complete distance healings for each other balance the effects of radiation inside buildings and in outdoor locations direct energy towards, away from, and around objects, individuals, and spaces transmute radiation (energy) into non-harmful rays use the energy of the sun to create and change the energetic effects of its radiation on objects, individuals, environments, and within the buildings and rooms to understand harmful and non-harmful locations on the planet the knowledge to identify helpful and harmful substances like such as water sources to determine parts of the body that hold illness to transmute cells within the body for healing Humans who lived as long ago as 5,000 BC were using techniques such as hands-on healing, distance healing, radiesthesia, and mental dowsing to determine and accomplish the healing and balancing needs within their environment on a routine basis. By knowing how to communicate with the energy that circulates the planet, they learned the patterns of the moving herds and the best direction to build their structures for the highest health benefit. They learned how to use the sun's radiation to enhance the atmosphere within the temple walls, how to avoid poisonous plants and contaminated water, and how to organize their city planning in a way that would help their civilizations to thrive and grow. This knowledge is still relevant today, and it is one of the most influential pieces of research I have come across to impact my work as a healing facilitator. Through Karim's research and Gilbert's expression of this knowledge, the world now has access to the knowledge and tools to heal and balance everything and anything, sentient or not. What are Temple Healings The Temple Healing treatment is a complete re-centering of the body. This type of treatment is quickly becoming the go-to in my daily distance treatments because it has the potential to rebalance all areas of the body as well as all of the planes of existence. This treatment's effectiveness lies in its systematic use of the information about the planes of existence and the grid of life structure, uncovered and recorded from the Egyptian temple walls. It is an ancient technology that Pharaohs and Kings used to restore youth and health and to prolong life. Temple healings provide the entire body with a formidable rebalancing of each subtle body, including the physical. Through the application of techniques that enhance the natural qualities of the geometric building blocks of life, Temple (and Quantum) Healings bring your cells back to the awareness of their wholeness. While incorporating all of the energetic components of the body in a more specified way, Temple Healings refresh each of your cells back into their original balanced resonance and express that resonant frequency out into the body, leaving you in a more healed and whole state. The Temple Healing is a balancing treatment that allows the body, mind, heart, and soul to re-establish their baselines and heal during a time of respite and restructuring. This treatment is more potent than a chakra balance and alignment, as it incorporates more of the energy body. It is an ideal healing for: long-standing illnesses, deep-rooted energetic imbalances that have caused physical ailment, those who are seeking to move forward in their Soul work but cannot seem to hurdle a major point in their journey, mental illness those who want to rid the body or space of unwanted 'attachments' those needing to rejuvenate the body while it is healing from major incidents such as surgery, an accident, or treatments like Chemotherapy, and for those who are at a crossroads in their life and seeking a reset button. Temple Healings can be done in person or online, with consultation taking place before treatment and in the days following. In-person treatments last one hour, and distance treatments last anywhere between 12 and 24 hours. Treatment is carried out according to your own time, preferences, and needs, which are discussed during consultation. During each day of healing, it is recommended to engage in more calming and restful activities to give the body time, space, and energy to adjust as the balancing effects take place. Although this treatment works through the subtle bodies, its impact is felt through a more synchronistic experience on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Welcome to MULTIDIMENSIONAL HEALING! When things get really rough, this could be your Golden Snitch! Once balanced, the body's cellular response begins to work in your favor by promoting your health rather than simply maintaining it from day to day. This effect is achieved by resetting the cellular action within the body to create the atmosphere of homeostasis. Once our cells are reminded of their original function, through this treatment, they can then give the body a complete rejuvenation, one session at a time. This treatment has moved long-standing blocks, cleared up cavities, and restored immune systems during the flu, just to cite a few examples, and is a great treatment to engage in on a monthly basis to stay in your prime! Need a reset button? Let's visit see if this treatment is right for you! Contact Jamelle at Bare Roots Energy at or by scheduling below. Temple Healings 1 hr From 111 US dollars From $111 Book Now Explore Plans
- Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services Lawrence, Ks
Bare Roots Energy provides a variety of energy healing and meditation services to guide you through the restoration of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Try it for $30 (mini sessions) Healing at the Roots Providing energetic free will for the relief from stress, anxiety, depression, ADD/HD, physical ailment, trauma, and more. Step into your daily energetic practices with Bare Roots Energy. Bare Roots Energy Reiki and Meditation Center Events with Bare Roots Energy Meditation Meet Up Public Meditation with Bare Roots Energy Meditation Meet Up Public Meditation with Bare Roots Energy Screenshot 2023-11-24 at 4.51.59 PM Begin your healing here. Book Now. General Zoom Access to Free Healing- Click Here This event is also streamed live on Facebook at Screenshot 2023-11-24 at 4.42.58 PM Power of 8 Healing Circle Link. Email for free Admittance. Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 4.15.29 PM Sacred Rhythms Classroom Join Our Mailing List Thanks for signing up! Up Coming Events Multiple Dates Tue, Feb 18 Reiki Seminar / Lawrence Buy Tickets Feb 18, 2025, 5:30 PM – Jan 20, 2026, 9:30 PM Lawrence, 930 Iowa St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA Reiki Seminar meets monthly to review Reiki techniques, share our Reiki experiences, and discuss the ways in which we can live more fluidly with our bodies, our energies, and our environment. Multiple Dates Mon, Mar 10 Children's Qigong Courses / Lawrence Buy Tickets Mar 10, 2025, 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM CDT Lawrence, 930 Iowa St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA Channel and Calm the body's energy and sharpen the body's mind with fun Qigong Kids Movement Courses that help your little and big ones strengthen their locus of control. Qigong is a great option to reduce anxiety, depression, lethargy, and chronic pain. Multiple Dates Thu, Mar 13 Bi-Weekly Free Online Reiki Clinic / Zoom: Buy Tickets Mar 13, 2025, 8:30 PM – 9:00 PM CDT Zoom: Join me on Zoom and FB Live every other Thursday night, 8:30 Central Standard Time, for a Free mini-healing. Fall gently into relaxation and healing from anywhere, all over the world. Donations are welcome! Purchase a ticket here, or donating on Venmo or PayPal. Multiple Dates Mon, Mar 17 Power of 8 Healing Mefitation Group / Zoom: Buy Tickets Mar 17, 2025, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM CDT Zoom: Join us on Zoom on the 3rd Monday of every month for a group healing meditation. Sessions are focused on the groups intentions that are gathered throughout the month. Please contact jamelle at to sign up for group membership. Group membership not required for ticket purchase. Multiple Dates Wed, Mar 26 Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Buy Tickets Mar 26, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Load More Schedule Here Reiki Healing Treatment Usui Reiki Healing Find Your Next Appointment Here! TESTIMONIALS Best thing I have ever done for myself! Love Janelle and highly recommend her. Best I have felt in years! Donna C., Kansas Read the interview here! Meeting and receiving services from Jamelle has been amazing! I recommend her to everyone I can. I have grown more in tune with myself with her help. Angela R., Kansas Jamelle really understood my spiritual path, and helped me to figure out where my blocks are at! She’s incredibly kind, intuitive, and knowledgeable and I’m thankful to have this service offered near me. I can’t wait for my next session and can’t recommend her highly enough! Kayla S., Kansas Current Coupons Astral Color Readings by Bare Roots Energy Bare Roots Energy, The Alchemical Trails Astral Color Readings Find the wavelengths that suit you the best. Bare Roots Energy Sale 1 copy Bare Roots Energy Gift Cards Astral Color Readings by Bare Roots Energy Bare Roots Energy, The Alchemical Trails Astral Color Readings Find the wavelengths that suit you the best. 1/5 Blog 5 min read Our Energy Systems Temple Healings: The Geometric State of Things Resonance is an innate nature of all things. It holds shape together to create everything that we see in this seemingly static world. How... 4 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Hall of Assumptions he past shines through our eyes, our thoughts, our words, our lives, and our creations every moment of every day as we move forward in th... 5 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Alchemical Trails Alchemy, the process of changing form, has been relevant since the beginning of time and is a force that will persist long after humans are 4 min read Our Energy Systems Is Your Solar Plexus Center Healthy? Is Your Solar Plexus Healthy? Articles of Chakra Health, by Jamelle Zablow-Moloney, Bare Roots Energy. 3 min read Meditation Tips & Tricks Energetic Hygiene and Creation on the Grid In our search as human beings for the Higgs Boson, the God Particle, we have come to understand this grid-like structure of our existence. 3 min read Just Bloggin' Around Attending to Focus; Keeping Humanity Sovereign What would happen if you shifted your focus to peace, regardless of how unimaginable an accomplishment it may seem? This simple shift can ch 1 min read About Me Small Business of the Day Feature: Bare Roots Energy Small Business of the Day Feature with Bare Roots Energy 4 min read Meditations Membership Meditation in Perspective: Seeking the Quiet Mind Meditation becomes most effective for us when used consistently, working efficiently and quickly to change our lives regardless of... 1 min read About Me Check Out My Latest Interview With MysticMag Unveiling the Power of Energy Healing With Jamelle Zablow-Moloney Thank you to Petar Vojinovic for such a lovely interview! 4 min read Planets and Zodiacs Mars, Post Battle Abundance: The Planetary Aids Series Discovered to the human race in 1610 by Galilei, Mars, first in his name, the Roman God of War and Agriculture, brings abundance from his 3 min read Plant-Based Medicine Plant-Based Medicine for Cold Season Plants have an amazing ability to heal us with a gentle ease and minimal to zero side effects. I always recommend drinking a variety of... 4 min read Quantum Healing 12.4.2023 With Bare Roots Energy Today's common knowledge is that the planet is shifting, and with it, humanity. Go tell it on the... 2 min read About Me About Me Jamelle Zablow-Moloney Bare Roots Energy Hello, my name is Jamelle Zablow-Moloney. I am humbled and honored to be a New Earth High... 4 min read Planets and Zodiacs Jupiter, Governor and Goddess of Abundance & Expansion: The Planetary Aids Series Jupiter was discovered by Galileo in 1610. It is 4.5 billion years old and knows more about God's secrets than any of us ever will. 4 min read Planets and Zodiacs Saturn, Ruler of Time and Structure: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series Saturn is the lord of time and structure, guiding our senses to plan, organize, and work through our tasks in logical order and timing. 4 min read FAQ Finding Your Right Healing Path Healing solutions that are right and perfect for you are dependent on your inner environment. Take survey of what's going on in your head... 4 min read Planets and Zodiacs Neptune: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series Join me for a year of planetary study with The Planetary Aids, Planets Series! This blog will be dedicated to getting to know each of our in 5 min read Planets and Zodiacs Uranus: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series Pluto: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 5.23.2023.8 Join me for a year of planetary study with my new blog... 3 min read Planets and Zodiacs Pluto: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series At every position in the sky, there are influential energies flowing in from each planet. This article will explore the influences felt by e 4 min read Just Bloggin' Around An Awakening Planet: Raising Your Own Vibration to Heal the Vibration of the Planet The planet needs us more than ever now. Our cultures around the world suffer tremendously from violence, exposure to damaging media, and... 3 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Rub on Herbal Supplement Regulation by Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 24 March, 2023 The United States has a wobbly history with herbal supplements. There is a large air of distrust... 4 min read Just Bloggin' Around Finding the Right Herbal Supplements by Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 24 March, 2023 Herbal Supplements are a great way to reap the benefits that this beautiful planet has given us.... 7 min read Just Bloggin' Around Living Your Life Through Intention Living intentionally sounds like one of those phenomena that just naturally occurs for us; something as simple and automatic as breathing... 5 min read Just Bloggin' Around Finding Love through Finding Balance Keeping a balanced inner self can clear up issues that may be standing in the way of gaining and/or keeping lasting relationships of value. 7 min read Our Energy Systems The Nature of the Energetic Cord Energy blog, energy cords, cord clearing, cord healing, cord cutting ceremony, energy healing, reiki healing, reiki master, reiki classes 4 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Cycle of Success, Struggle, Stagnation, and Settling By Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 11/20/22 Most people just want things to get better. Tired of the struggle and the flood of problems being... 3 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Art of Eclipsing the Old Self and Transcending into Something New Transcending, for many, seems to be an impossible feat without consistent and constant dedication to a complete lifestyle change. However, t 3 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Importance of Ceremony Bare Roots Energy provides a variety of services to guide you through the restoration of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual... 5 min read The Female and Masculine Dance The Timings of the Female Moon Body The female cycle changes a woman's entire being throughout its duration, influencing and reshaping her Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Phy 4 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Implications of The Female and Male Biological Cycles Some equate the woman's body to a changing chameleon all month long, and they aren't incorrect. A woman goes through four phases of her mens 2 min read Just Bloggin' Around Moving in Timing with the Seasons By lining up your actions with the timings of the planet, you will then be open to an easier path of manifestation by working with the f... 4 min read Just Bloggin' Around Your Relationship With Spirit Your Relationship With Spirit When was the last time you reflected on your relationship with Spirit? 2 min read Our Energy Systems The Crown Jamelle Zablow-Moloney The Crown Chakra sits atop of the head receiving all of the life force from the greater Universe that you need in... 4 min read Our Energy Systems The Importance of a Healthy Third Eye Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 19 January, 2022 My father's favorite word was that. He said that since it was one of the most commonly spoken... 3 min read Our Energy Systems Health of the Throat Chakra Center Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 19 January, 2022 The front of the Throat Chakra protrudes from the middle of the front of the neck, and the back... 2 min read Our Energy Systems The Key to Your Heart Chakra Health Jamelle Z.Moloney 29 December, 2021 Your heart chakra consists of a front and a back, both ideally with a motion of clockwise spinning... 2 min read Our Energy Systems Is Your Sacral Chakra Opened or Closed? Welcome to week 2 of your Chakra health! There is a front and a back vortex to your Sacral Chakra center. The front protrudes out from wher 2 min read Our Energy Systems Is Your Root Chakra Open or Closed? Is your Root Chakra open or blocked? Quick article about Root Chakra health. 2 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Divine Feminine J Zablow-Moloney July 12, 2021 I use to think that I, as a woman, was more connected to my feminine traits than my masculine. This was of... 3 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Divine Masculine We all have aspects of both the divine feminine and divine masculine within us, whether it be suppressed or in the forefront of your persona 3 min read Happy Birthday Dad! Dad's Eulogy, July 13, 2013 Dad, In all of your wisdom, I have grown. I have written, painted, wandered, weaved, and created with you to... 5 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Moral Role How much responsibility do the public and private school systems have in raising our youth in good morality? As a teacher I asked this... 8 min read Meditations Membership One Minute Meditation Practice One Minute Meditation Practice 4 min read Meditation Tips & Tricks Meditation Tips & Tricks #5 The Quick How-To Everyone has their own way of doing everything. You are always looking through your own lens. My hope is that the following information... 1 min read Free Meditations Ho'Oponopono This is my personal Ho'Oponopono prayer. I wrote this to help me move past events in my life that I struggle to let go of and forget. My... 2 min read Free Meditations Building the Circuit Active Meditation 1/10/2021 What do you want to affirm today? Think of the purpose for which you are hare, in this moment, and then think... 3 min read FAQ Why is Reiki an Ongoing Therapy? Some are surprised or disappointed with treatments that cannot heal them in one session. Without an understanding of Reiki, it is easy to... 1 min read Meditation Tips & Tricks Meditation Tips & Tricks #4 Don't know what to meditate about? Sometimes it's helpful to direct the mind during meditation, in order to settle it down and release... 1 min read Free Meditations Pulling in Divine Energy (sample) Written by Jim A. Zablow & Jamelle Zablow-Moloney Universal Spirit, Ignite your energy in everyone. Cultivate and stabilize your energy... 2 min read Meditation Tips & Tricks Meditation Tips & Tricks #3 Conquering the wandering mind can seem problematic with endless stimulus and responsibility surrounding us. Have no fear! Never before... Subscribe About Me 1 min read Small Business of the Day Feature: Bare Roots Energy 1 min read Check Out My Latest Interview 2 min read About Me Contact Bare Roots Energy Bare Roots Energy 930 Iowa St Suite 3, Lawrence, KS 66044 785-532-9356 Inside of Dr. Meyer's Chiropractic Clinic Follow us on Instagram #letsheal @thisismylifeinpictures Load More
- Quantum Healing | Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks|Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks
The new Quantum Healing series of energetic treatments is here to facilitate your daily energetic cleansings. These healings work with your body from the inside out to awaken your higher energies and connect you to the grids that carry you throughout your every day. If you are interested in the Quantum Energetic Healing Sessions I offer, please visit to book an appointment. Quantum Healing with Bare Roots Energy Guiding the body to access its original energetic nature. By reminding our physical bodies of their energy source, Quantum Healing employs the unique talents of your energy body and the energies that Source our existence to facilitate healing and transition. Take back control. Engage your energy. Source Light Infusion Daily Chakra Infusion Source Light Training What is Quantum Healing? Complete Healing, Daily Self-Control Quantum Healings w ith Bare Roots Energy© Quantum Healings get you in touch with your Soul like never before. Igniting your ancient truth through this modality sets you on the path to awaken to your Divine Road Map, bringing all of the ingredients for productivity, insight, and transformative living. Quantum Healings tap into the fabric of the Universe to infuse the energies of Sacred Geometry and your own Soul's composition to make healing and transition a quicker and easier journey to travel. Explore Quantum Healings and Source Light Infusions for healings that incorporate the tenants of Sacred Geometry, the natural patterns of our Universe, and to begin to come into regular contact with your Sweet Soul Source Light. Explore the Energetic Hygiene Classroom to get started on your daily transformative tools. Hear about it from others: "You did it…. We did it. We got a contract on our house last yesterday. But with your help our house will have the perfect person to love her. The woman is probably my age from North Carolina... her husband died several years ago and sadly her only daughter died this year. Her daughter’s friends live here and someone else she knows and let me tell you those ladies love this woman and wanted her close so we made that happen. NOW I’m not sure what it would take but I need to hire you to bless the property so that it passes all its inspections and we can move to a place that we won’t have to work so hard. So put me down (in the afternoon) for a property blessing or whatever you think will help those nasty lay lines and the property will behave! I have absolute faith that your part in this was huge. I think if you and your gift all the time… people are brought together for a reason. I may be a moment in time or it may be a life time but it happens. I would love you to come over and walk the property lines to keep the good in and safe and the negative energy like a protective barrier. Thank you so much as soon as you got here that day I knew my life would change… 🥳☺️🥳" -Sandy P., Lawrence, Ks Awaken the Quantum Self Healings & Services Chakra Infusion Read More 1 hr 95 US dollars $95 Book Now Explore Plans Q.H. Daily Chakra Infusion Instruction Read More 2 hr 333 US dollars $333 Book Now Explore Plans Home Balancing & Clearing Read More 2 hr From 220 US dollars From $220 Book Now Explore Plans Source Light Infusion Read More 1 hr 95 US dollars $95 Book Now Explore Plans Quantum Reiki Read More 1 hr 85 US dollars $85 Book Now Explore Plans Root Healings Read More 1 hr 30 min 95 US dollars $95 Book Now Explore Plans Astral Color Reading Read More 1 hr 75 US dollars $75 Book Now Explore Plans Root Readings Read More 1 hr From 65 US dollars From $65 Book Now Explore Plans Lineage Line Testing Read More 1 hr 75 US dollars $75 Book Now Explore Plans Temple Healings Read More 1 hr From 111 US dollars From $111 Book Now Explore Plans Source Light Templates Available Online Read More 1 hr 30 min 111 US dollars $111 Book Now Explore Plans Upcoming Events Multiple Dates Fri, May 03 Source Light 102: Source Light Templates / Link will be emailed before event date. Details May 03, 2024, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM Link will be emailed before event date. Learn the second layer of Self-Healing through the Source Light Protocol. Templates allow us a gentle and powerful healing for the big things in life. Source Light 101 required as a pre-requisite.