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Cord Cutting Treatment

A healing ceremony for letting go of what plagues you.

1 Std
95 US-Dollar
Iowa Street


Close relationships, Spiritual histories, and strong emotional ties produce energetic cords between the two individuals involved, or in some cases, between an individual and a belief system. These cords, when left in place, keep in place a constant flow of energetic exchange. The energetic body can hold onto entanglements and create blockages if the physical body is resistant to releasing our past. Holding cords of the past can keep us lethargic, unclear, unable to decide, anxious, and leave us with a feeling that we cannot be ourselves fully. Although it is healthy to cut energetic cords when relationships are both healthy and unhealthy, when cords are kept in place with others who have harmed us, we can also feel and be impacted by the residual energy of that individual. For this reason, Cord Cutting Treatments are a healthy way to maintain the cleanliness of your energy body. Until our energy is reclaimed, we are not functioning at our prime because we are working with a partial charge. Cord Cutting treatments are gentle yet impactful as they provide a way for all four bodies to release the energetic pieces of a connection that is no longer in service of our higher good. Through this treatment, you may feel an energetic release and flow as one thing moves in, to replace what is being given back. Are you ready to cut those cords? This treatment can be done in person or online.

Umbuchung & Kündigung

To cancel an appointment, contact us within 5 hours of your appointment. Contact Jamelle at or call or text 785-532-9356 Privacy Policy:


  • 930 Iowa St suite 3, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA


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