Temple Healings
The Cellular Reset
Resonance is an innate nature of all things. It holds shape to create everything we see in this seemingly static world. However, as our predecessors of antiquity knew, the nature of resonance is changeable, and because of this trait, all things around us are too.

I had the honor of studying with Dr. Robert Gilbert in 2023 and 2024 in his Biogeometry courses. I was lucky to get the information in such a thorough way straight from the 'horse's mouth,' as he had studied directly under Dr. Ibraham Karim, the researcher, writer, and founder of the system of what he coined as Biogeometry. As an energetic healer, I consider myself blessed to spend my learning and professional development time researching and hunting down the scientific research that explains how the energetic healing I facilitate each day works. Biogeometry has proven to be a massive contribution to this effort, providing the scientific explanations behind the way our energies move.
From my courses with Dr. Gilbert, I was able to put the pieces of the physics and alchemy puzzle together to understand on a macroscopic level how energetic health and healing are achieved through the qualitative nature of geometry and movement. Armed with this knowledge, I was so excited to see the science-backed validation for the healing world come together and even more excited to learn that this information had been used and recorded by those of Ancient Egypt and handed down to us through their transcriptions on the temple walls.

According to this body of research, those who walked the Earth thousands of years before the times of Christ were using the naturally occurring geometric traits of their environment to mitigate harmful radiation and heal themselves and the land around them. Through their mastery of mathematics and medicine, the temple walls give us a glimpse of their abilities to:
complete distance healings for each other
balance the effects of radiation inside buildings and in outdoor locations
direct energy towards, away from, and around objects, individuals, and spaces
transmute radiation (energy) into non-harmful rays
use the energy of the sun to create and change the energetic effects of its radiation on objects, individuals, environments, and within the buildings and rooms
to understand harmful and non-harmful locations on the planet
the knowledge to identify helpful and harmful substances like such as water sources
to determine parts of the body that hold illness
to transmute cells within the body for healing
Humans who lived as long ago as 5,000 BC were using techniques such as hands-on healing, distance healing, radiesthesia, and mental dowsing to determine and accomplish the healing and balancing needs within their environment on a routine basis. By knowing how to communicate with the energy that circulates the planet, they learned the patterns of the moving herds and the best direction to build their structures for the highest health benefit. They learned how to use the sun's radiation to enhance the atmosphere within the temple walls, how to avoid poisonous plants and contaminated water, and how to organize their city planning in a way that would help their civilizations to thrive and grow.
This knowledge is still relevant today, and it is one of the most influential pieces of research I have come across to impact my work as a healing facilitator. Through Karim's research and Gilbert's expression of this knowledge, the world now has access to the knowledge and tools to heal and balance everything and anything, sentient or not.

What are Temple Healings
The Temple Healing treatment is a complete re-centering of the body. This type of treatment is quickly becoming the go-to in my daily distance treatments because it has the potential to rebalance all areas of the body as well as all of the planes of existence. This treatment's effectiveness lies in its systematic use of the information about the planes of existence and the grid of life structure, uncovered and recorded from the Egyptian temple walls. It is an ancient technology that Pharaohs and Kings used to restore youth and health and to prolong life.
Temple healings provide the entire body with a formidable rebalancing of each subtle body, including the physical. Through the application of techniques that enhance the natural qualities of the geometric building blocks of life, Temple (and Quantum) Healings bring your cells back to the awareness of their wholeness. While incorporating all of the energetic components of the body in a more specified way, Temple Healings refresh each of your cells back into their original balanced resonance and express that resonant frequency out into the body, leaving you in a more healed and whole state.
The Temple Healing is a balancing treatment that allows the body, mind, heart, and soul to re-establish their baselines and heal during a time of respite and restructuring.
This treatment is more potent than a chakra balance and alignment, as it incorporates more of the energy body. It is an ideal healing for:
long-standing illnesses,
deep-rooted energetic imbalances that have caused physical ailment,
those who are seeking to move forward in their Soul work but cannot seem to hurdle a major point in their journey,
mental illness
those who want to rid the body or space of unwanted 'attachments'
those needing to rejuvenate the body while it is healing from major incidents such as surgery, an accident, or treatments like Chemotherapy, and
for those who are at a crossroads in their life and seeking a reset button.
Temple Healings can be done in person or online, with consultation taking place before treatment and in the days following. In-person treatments last one hour, and distance treatments last anywhere between 12 and 24 hours. Treatment is carried out according to your own time, preferences, and needs, which are discussed during consultation. During each day of healing, it is recommended to engage in more calming and restful activities to give the body time, space, and energy to adjust as the balancing effects take place. Although this treatment works through the subtle bodies, its impact is felt through a more synchronistic experience on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.
When things get really rough, this could be your Golden Snitch! Once balanced, the body's cellular response begins to work in your favor by promoting your health rather than simply maintaining it from day to day. This effect is achieved by resetting the cellular action within the body to create the atmosphere of homeostasis. Once our cells are reminded of their original function, through this treatment, they can then give the body a complete rejuvenation, one session at a time. This treatment has moved long-standing blocks, cleared up cavities, and restored immune systems during the flu, just to cite a few examples, and is a great treatment to engage in on a monthly basis to stay in your prime!
Need a reset button? Let's visit see if this treatment is right for you!
Contact Jamelle at Bare Roots Energy at jam@barerootsenergy.com or by scheduling below.
1 h
À partir de 111 dollars des États-Unis